Saath Nibhaana Saathiya 2 the Star Plus show produced by Rashmi Sharma Productions has seen Kanak (Akanksha Juneja) bringing in goons to create a huge drama which will bring about a fake story of them being in debt.
Kanak would have done this to get a lion’s share in Praful’s retirement money. However, Kokila (Rupal Patel) will get a sniff of Kanak’s idea and she will confront her to tell her that ever money earned is from hard work and that there is always a need to safeguard money ant not use it exuberantly.
As per a reliable source, “This outburst from Kokila will put Kanak off and she will wait for a chance to get even at Kokila.”
Will Kanak and Kokila’s argument take a different turn?
We buzzed actors of Saath Nibhaana Saathiya 2 but could not get through.