Sasural Simar Ka 2 the Colors show produced by Rashmi Sharma Productions has seen engaging drama with Simar (Radhika Muthukumar) and Reema (Tanya Sharma) joining hands during Holika Dahan to end the tyranny of Devesh. Devesh as we know has pictures of Reema and has been threatening to ruin her life by exposing them. However, Reema got the trust of Vivaan who stood as solid support.

The coming drama will see the brothers Aarav and Vivaan uniting for a cause. They will team up to show Devesh his real place. Devesh will be seen getting cornered by Aarav at his own place. Vivaan will also be there with Aarav. The two brothers will intoxicate Devesh, just like how he had done with Aarav earlier. Simar will motivate Reema to show Devesh what a girl can be up to when she wants. Reema will take her revenge by slapping Devesh and ordering him never to come before her.