Sherdil Shergill the Colors show produced by Parin Multimedia has seen engaging drama during the wedding of Rajkumar (Dheeraj Dhoopar) and Manmeet (Surbhi Chandna). We saw the real intentions of Bhairav who wants to stop the wedding eventually. Also, Priyanka harbours the same kind of thought and was seen putting into action her plan. She let out a scorpion near Anmol’s pram which created chaos.

Now the coming drama will see Priyanka planning to kidnap Anmol. She will take Anmol’s possession and will silently put him in a basket filled with flowers. She will cover his body with flowers so that nobody would know about the kid being there.

Also, Manmeet and Raj will be shocked when they will see Murari being brought home at the time of the wedding. Bhairav will also create the drama wherein Murari will be seen apologizing before Manmeet. As we know, all of this is being done so that when the marriage stops, Raj should not blame his father for the unrest.

What will happen now? Will Anmol be in trouble?