Suman Indori the Colors television show produced by Studio LSD has seen engaging drama with Kritika (Sambhabana Mohanty) spiking the drink of Teerth (Zain Imam) to take advantage of the situation and get close to him so that he is forced to marry her. However, Suman (Ashnoor Kaur) spoiled Kritika’s plan as she brought the whole house to Kritika’s room as witness to whatever is to happen.
The upcoming episode will see Suman schooling Kritika left, right and centre. She will not only expose Kritika’s wily act but will also pave the way for Kritika to be ousted from the house. Suman will expose the truth that Teerth was not even conscious to get close to Kritika. She will slap Kritika and will later take the bold step to beat her with a broom. While Devika will be livid, Geetanjali will be happy from within as Suman supports Teerth in every way. Teerth will also thank Suman for saving him from disgrace at the hands of Kritika.
What will happen next?
Suman Indori the new Colors show produced by Prateek Sharma’s Studio LSD is the story of Suman who owns a Chaat Bhandaar and is the breadwinner of her house. How her journey meets with political aspirations and love, and how she paves a path for her future is the crux of the story. Ashnoor Kaur, Anita Hassanandani and Zain Imam play lead roles in the show.