Suman Indori the Colors television show produced by Studio LSD has seen engaging drama with Suman (Ashnoor Kaur) and Devika (Anita Hassanandani) going hammer and tongs to expose each other. Suman has in fact, vowed that she will bring together the family with her love, and will expose Devika’s misdeeds. Devika instigated Akhil to behave badly with Bhumi. This created a ruckus where Suman asked Bhumi to slap Akhil for the mistake he made. This boomeranged and the family objected to Suman’s behaviour in treating Akhil. Chandrakant slapped Akhil and grew angry at him. Devika wanted to avenge this revenge and called Suman’s family for a pedicure session where she had guests at home. Devika forced Bhumi to do the pedicure for Akhil, to which they objected. Suman came to their rescue and turned the tables by calling the media and making Devika do the pedicure for Malini Bua.

The upcoming episode will see Devika yet again playing her game before Chandrakant by claiming her innocence. Devika will weep before her father-in-law, thus putting doubt in his mind over Suman’s act. Suman though, will tell him that she is right and will bring Teerth’s sister in front of Chandrakant. She will place his hand over Purvi’s head and will ask him to reply that if something similar happened at Purvi’s husband’s place with them, will he not question and save his image?

What will happen next?

Suman Indori the new Colors show produced by Prateek Sharma’s Studio LSD is the story of Suman who owns a Chaat Bhandaar and is the breadwinner of her house. How her journey meets with political aspirations and love, and how she paves a path for her future is the crux of the story. Ashnoor Kaur, Anita Hassanandani and Zain Imam play lead roles in the show.