Suman Indori the Colors television show produced by Studio LSD has seen engaging drama where Suman (Ashnoor Kaur) and Teerth (Zain Imam) tried to expose Devika’s (Anita Hassanandani) evil colours. However, when Teerth and Suman were about to start a new beginning, Devika turned the tables and put the blame entirely on Suman. Teerth too, showed a different colour of himself before Suman and put up a story that he had faked love and that he wanted her behind bars and out of the house. However, the truth was that Teerth was blackmailed by Devika to fake it up before Suman. Suman was shattered at Teerth’s deceit and vowed that she would avenge Teerth for all the misery he had given her.
The show will now see a leap of five years after which the story will shift to the next gear wherein Suman will be vengeful, but Teerth will be totally cut off from his family. He will lead a Devdas life, and will think of Suman always. He will also hate his family, as he will feel they are responsible for ruining his life with Suman.
How will this story shape up after the leap?
Suman Indori the new Colors show produced by Prateek Sharma’s Studio LSD is the story of Suman who owns a Chaat Bhandaar and is the breadwinner of her house. How her journey meets with political aspirations and love, and how she paves a path for her future is the crux of the story. Ashnoor Kaur, Anita Hassanandani and Zain Imam play lead roles in the show.