Suman Indori the Colors television show produced by Studio LSD has seen engaging drama with Teerth (Zain Imam) saving Suman’s life when Gulshan was about to shoot at her. Teerth took the bullet instead and was severely bleeding when Suman (Ashnoor Kaur) took him to a place of safety and nursed him. We wrote about Teerth confessing his love for Suman and expressing his desire to live life with her. Suman too accepted him, and they made a fresh start as a couple. However, Suman expressed the need of nabbing Rishi’s killer and the man who shot Teerth.

The upcoming episode will see Suman and Teerth produce enough evidence against Gulshan to get him arrested. This will lead them to Devika (Anita Hassanandani), and Suman will expose her in front of the family. Devika will try to threaten Chandrakant Mittal, but Suman and Teerth will leave no stone unturned in revealing her hand in the bad acts.

Teerth will throw Devika out of their house and will not allow her to take her daughter Reva along. Devika will, however, be wounded and will vow to get back at them with vengeance.

What will happen now?

Suman Indori the new Colors show produced by Prateek Sharma’s Studio LSD is the story of Suman who owns a Chaat Bhandaar and is the breadwinner of her house. How her journey meets with political aspirations and love, and how she paves a path for her future is the crux of the story. Ashnoor Kaur, Anita Hassanandani and Zain Imam play lead roles in the show.