Suman Indori the Colors television show produced by Studio LSD has seen engaging drama with Devika (Anita Hassanandani) humiliating Suman’s (Ashnoor Kaur) family by making them do mediocre jobs at her house. Suman took the case of Devika, and seriously turned the tables and made Devika pedicure her bua’s legs. Suman’s righteousness stood firm before Chandrakant and Suman earned brownie points when Devika apologized for her mistakes. However, it was shown that Chandrakant faked good behaviour in front of Suman and explained to Devika how she should hit at Suman and not her family.

We have also seen Teerth (Zain Imam) promising his family that he will send Suman out of the house after six months of his marriage. However, Suman is kept in the dark and is happy as Teerth supports her in every instance.

The upcoming episode will see Teerth going and fighting with Kritika (Sambhabana Mohanty) for Suman’s humiliation and for being a silent spectator to her sister’s bad plans. Teerth will threaten that he will not marry Kritika if she does not support him and tell him about Devika’s plans. Kritika will have a showdown with her own sister questioning her on her misdoings and how it has affected her relationship with Teerth.

What will happen next?

Suman Indori the new Colors show produced by Prateek Sharma’s Studio LSD is the story of Suman who owns a Chaat Bhandaar and is the breadwinner of her house. How her journey meets with political aspirations and love, and how she paves a path for her future is the crux of the story. Ashnoor Kaur, Anita Hassanandani and Zain Imam play lead roles in the show.