The upcoming episode of Neela Film Productions Private Limited’s Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah (TMKOC) will see Gokuldhaam Society gearing up for Republic Day celebrations. Bhide and Tapu sena almost got into a situation that would’ve landed them paying two separate decorators for doing the same job. Fortunately, this situation gets resolved easily without much trouble and the plan begins to gather momentum. Everyone in the Society is excited and is raring to go. Almost on an impromptu cue, when the mahila mandal gathers to purchase vegetables from their regular vegetable vendor, they decide to pitch in for Republic Day celebrations by doing something special. As plans get shared, they latch on to a fabulous idea and decide to surprise everyone by getting this done all by themselves.
Gokuldhaam Society’s men too are busy deciding on doing something extraordinary but none of their ideas seem to be taking off. Meanwhile, the mahila mandal has prepared a blueprint and are ready with all that they need to execute their surprise plan. However, for the plan to remain a surprise, they ask of Tapu sena and the men to not step out into the building premises for a few hours and also forbid them from peeking from their balconies.
Looks like Gokuldhaam’s mahila mandal has something very special coming up. All the women seem to be quite involved into this plan and are extremely excited! The mahila mandal does some or the other activity every year but this time around it seems like they have upped the ante and this is making everybody else in the Society very eager to find out what they are up to. Of course, there’s a surprise but viewers will get to find out about it just like everyone else in Gokuldhaam Society. And to not miss out on what the secret is, watch Neela Film Productions Private Limited’s show Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah from Monday to Friday at 8:30 pm only on SAB TV.