Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah the Sony SAB television show produced by Neela Film Production has seen engaging drama with Bapuij’s going missing being a major concern in the Gokuldham Society. Shivers ran through all of them when they got to know that Bapuji had landed in Pakistan, after being carried away in the sky by the balloons. As we know, the New Year bash of the Gokuldham Society went haywire when Bapuji was seen soaring high in the sky.

To everyone’s fear, Bapuji was traced to Pakistan shores and this was a worry for all. Chalu Pandey told Jethalal that this became an issue to be dealt with by the country. Jetha decided to go to Delhi to seek help.

The upcoming episode will see Bapuji trying to save his skin when he will be in the firing line of the Pakistani soldiers. He will be seen in a boat, with the soldiers of the other land. Bapuji will, however, tell them that he was in fact a Pakistani spy who lived all these years in India to derive information secretly.

Will Bapuji’s lie be believed?

Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah produced by Neela Film Production is a comedy sitcom that revolves around the Gokuldham Co-operative Housing Society, an apartment complex in Powder Gali, Film City Road, Goregaon East, Mumbai, and focuses on the members of Gokuldham Society who come from different backgrounds. The show which launched in the year 2008 has been a favourite of all households for years.