Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah the Sony SAB television show produced by Neela Film Production has seen engaging drama since last week with Sodhi’s birthday celebrations. As we know, Sodhi had come to the party with a promise made to his wife that he would not drink. However, Sodhi’s friend spiked his drink with alcohol, which ultimately resulted in Sodhi being drunk. Bhide and Popatlal who were sent to spy on Sodhi were in trouble and feared getting whacked by Mrs. Sodhi. Bhide and Popatlal managed to bring the inebriated Sodhi to the compound, but could not take him home as he was drunk. They wanted an idea where Sodhi could get back in sense and go home without giving any doubt to his wife.
We saw them calling Jethalal at night and asking him to bring Taarak Mehta so that Mehta could think and give a plan.
The upcoming episode will see both Jetha and Taarak loitering around in the garden thinking of an idea. Bhide and Popatlal will tell them that they have no time on hand and if they fail to get Sodhi to his senses and send him home, Mrs Sodhi will come down looking for her husband. All eyes will be on Taarak Mehta for giving an idea and a solution to make Sodhi normal again.
What will happen next?
Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah produced by Neela Film Production is a comedy sitcom that revolves around the Gokuldham Co-operative Housing Society, an apartment complex in Powder Gali, Film City Road, Goregaon East, Mumbai, and focuses on the members of Gokuldham Society who come from different backgrounds. The show which launched in the year 2008 has been a favourite of all households for years.