Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah the Sony SAB television show produced by Neela Film Production has seen engaging drama with Jethalal seeing a fascinating dream of him having a great day of sales at Gada Electronics. However, this sequence ended up as a dream when Bapuji woke him out from his deep slumber. Bapuji scolded him for being laid back in his attitude. Tapu too mocked his father’s laziness.
The upcoming episode will see Jetha’s dream coming true when he will find his shop literally empty with all the commodities being sold. Nattu Khakha and Bagha will tell Jethalal that they have been lucky to have sold all of the items in the shop, which has left a barren look to the shop. Nattu Khakha will then point out that Jethalal could have slept for longer hours, so that he could see the dream of new stocks arriving at his shop. Nattu Khakha will predict that if he had seen it in his dream, it would have come true.
What will happen next? Is the barren look of the shop a new problem?
Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah produced by Neela Film Production is a comedy sitcom that revolves around the Gokuldham Co-operative Housing Society, an apartment complex in Powder Gali, Film City Road, Goregaon East, Mumbai, and focuses on the members of Gokuldham Society who come from different backgrounds. The show which launched in the year 2008 has been a favourite of all households for years.