Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chasmah the Sony SAB television show produced by Neela Film Production has seen engaging drama with Jethalal breathing a sigh of relief, with Bapuji being found and coming home. We saw Jetha remembering Daya and breaking into a Garba dance which was her trademark. Bapuji had told him that Popatlal’s AI prediction came true with him going up. Hence Daya will also return to the house soon.

The upcoming episode will see Jethalal enjoying his beauty sleep, unaware of knowing that he is late to go to his shop. Bapuji will give him a reality check when he will wake him up and scold him. Jetha who will be seeing a nice dream, will be shocked to see himself still in the house. Bapuji will not like his laidback attitude, as he will be in his bed even at 9 in the morning. Tapu will add to Jetha’s misery by asking him whether he has finally got up. It will be interesting to see Bapuji and Jetha’s cute argument here.

What will happen next?

Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah produced by Neela Film Production is a comedy sitcom that revolves around the Gokuldham Co-operative Housing Society, an apartment complex in Powder Gali, Film City Road, Goregaon East, Mumbai, and focuses on the members of Gokuldham Society who come from different backgrounds. The show which launched in the year 2008 has been a favourite of all households for years.