Sony SAB’s popular comedy sitcom Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah, produced by Neelam Film Production, has seen major ups and downs in the lives of Tapu and Sonu as their parents pressure them for marriage. Sonu fears going out of Gokuldham, and Tapu wishes to do something in his life. Tapu and Sonu with Tapu Sena reach out to Taarak Mehta for help, who refuses to help, leaving them disappointed.

In the upcoming episode, Tapu convinces Jethalal not to get married now as he wishes to do something big in his life. He requests that he also convince Bapuji. But Jethalal fails to talk about this with Bapuji. Later, Tapu reveals that he has a plan to escape the marriage, and that is to show something wrong in their ‘Kundali.’

Tapu makes a master plan against Bhide. He explains his plan to Tapu Sena, sharing that once their plan is successful with Bapuji Sony, they will somehow bring Bhide outside. Tapu Sena will call Raja Mastana. As Bhide comes out of the gate, they will grab Bhide. Then Bhide intervenes in real time, leaving Tapu Sena worried. Bhide tells them that he knows where they are coming from, leaving them worried.

Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah is the most popular comedy sitcom, produced by Neela Film Production. The story revolves around the Gokuldham Co-operative Housing Society, an apartment complex in Powder Gali, Film City Road, Goregaon East, Mumbai. It focuses on its members who come from different backgrounds, emphasizing unity in diversity. The show, launched in 2008, has been a favorite of all households for years.