Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah the Sony SAB television show produced by Neela Film Production has seen engaging drama with Tapu and Sonu having their fears related to marriage and settling down in life. While Sonu feared going out of Gokuldham Society after marriage, Tapu had his own ambitions and dreams and did not want to get married. We saw both of them trying their way out of this problem, but the elders in their families made it tougher for them.

The upcoming episode will see Tapu taking his father Jethalal on his side. He will convince his father to not get him married now and will ask him to talk to Bapuji who is adamant about getting Tapu married. Tapu will expect his father to talk to Bapuji and tell him about Tapu’s wish to not marry at the moment. However, Jetha will be habitually silent to Bapuji’s orders and will not be able to tell his father.

How will Tapu and Jetha find a solution to this problem?

Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah produced by Neela Film Production is a comedy sitcom that revolves around the Gokuldham Co-operative Housing Society, an apartment complex in Powder Gali, Film City Road, Goregaon East, Mumbai, and focuses on the members of Gokuldham Society who come from different backgrounds. The show which launched in the year 2008 has been a favourite of all households for years.