Tenali Rama the Sony SAB television show produced by Contiloe Pictures has seen engaging drama with Rama (Krishna Bharadwaj) being successful in convincing one and all about his death so that he could peacefully find out the truth and prove his innocence before all. Rama did all the hard work of convincing all and was almost on the verge of getting to the truth when the arrival of Amma and Sharda to Vijayanagar created problems for Rama. Rama was worried as his mother would get to know about his death and will get shocked. Hence he rushed to meet them.
The upcoming episode will see Sharda and Amma reach Tathacharya’s house and question him about Rama’s ghost. Amma will feel that Tathacharya is the mastermind behind all this. She will confront Tathacharya when Rama will appear before them as a ghost to stop Amma from ruining things for him. Amma and Sharda will see Rama’s ghost and will understand that all of it is Rama’s plan and will silently walk away.
Later, Rama will meet his mother and wife and will scold them that their arrival has halted his plans that were going smoothly.
Will Rama be able to prove his innocence?
Krishna Bharadwaj reprises his role as Tenali Rama while Pankaj Berry brings alive the character of Tathacharya once again. The show also features new artists including Aditya Redij as King Krishnadevaraya and Sumit Kaul as the antagonist Girgit Raj. Produced by Contiloe Pictures, Sony SAB’s Tenali Rama will traverse the journey of the nobleman who navigated complex situations with his heart. His ability to relate to everyone, from royalty to commoners, made him a hero for all. Beyond his wit, Tenali’s empathy for the marginalized set him apart.