Tenali Rama the Sony SAB television show produced by Contiloe Pictures has been waiting for the moment when Tenali Rama (Krishna Bharadwaj) and King Krishnadevaraya (Aditya Redij) will come face to face. As we know, the King has always been suspicious of Rama being alive and in Vijayanagar on listening to the ghost story of Rama. He put his game plan into work when he asked Tathacharya to solve the old lady’s case soon in order to keep away from expulsion. We wrote about Rama being tense with his mother and Sharda coming to Vijayanagar. Amma got frightened on hearing to Rama’s death story. However, when she saw Rama as a ghost, she understood that it was a plan of her son.

The upcoming episode will finally see the big face-off between King Krishnadevaraya and Tenali Rama. As we know, Rama used Vekanna as his trump card to give him a reason to appear before the King. The King will in the coming episode, see Vekanna carrying Rama on his shoulders. Rama’s plan will work as the King will send his men to arrest Vekanna. Vekanna will then facilitate bringing Rama and Krishnadevaraya face to face. They will meet after 2 long years. Rama will use this as an opportunity to prove his innocence. The best part will be that the King will reinstate Rama into the darbar. However, the King will give a warning to Rama that people will not like him being reinstated to the Darbar and he needs to work things out again in his favour.

What will happen when Rama comes to the darbar?

Krishna Bharadwaj reprises his role as Tenali Rama while Pankaj Berry brings alive the character of Tathacharya once again. The show also features new artists including Aditya Redij as King Krishnadevaraya and Sumit Kaul as the antagonist Girgit Raj. Produced by Contiloe Pictures, Sony SAB’s Tenali Rama will traverse the journey of the nobleman who navigated complex situations with his heart. His ability to relate to everyone, from royalty to commoners, made him a hero for all. Beyond his wit, Tenali’s empathy for the marginalized set him apart.