Tenali Rama the Sony SAB television show produced by Contiloe Pictures has seen engaging drama with Tenali Rama (Krishna Bharadwaj) being reinstated by King Krishnadevaraya in his darbar. However, the treatment that Rama was bestowed with in the darbar was perplexing. Tathacharya (Pankaj Berry) poisoned the minds of others in the darbar against Rama, and this left Rama getting a very cold welcome. Even when Rama solved a case in the court of Krishnadevaraya, none praised him for his effort.

The upcoming episode will see Rama realizing the importance of making the people of Vijayanagar believe that he is innocent. Rama will go to the market to shop. This will be the exact time when Girgit (Sumit Kaul) will set foot inside Vijayanagar. In his disguised avatar, Girgit will also enter the marketplace, only to come in front of Rama. Rama will have his task cut out when nobody will be ready to sell vegetables to him in the marketplace. On the other hand, Girgit will be shocked to see Rama alive. Rama will spot the strange reaction on Girgit’s face and will ask him whether all is fine. Seeing Girgit’s reactions, Rama will also sense danger and will get suspicious.

Will Rama get to know the identity of Girgit?

Krishna Bharadwaj reprises his role as Tenali Rama while Pankaj Berry brings alive the character of Tathacharya once again. The show also features new artists including Aditya Redij as King Krishnadevaraya and Sumit Kaul as the antagonist Girgit Raj. Produced by Contiloe Pictures, Sony SAB’s Tenali Rama will traverse the journey of the nobleman who navigated complex situations with his heart. His ability to relate to everyone, from royalty to commoners, made him a hero for all. Beyond his wit, Tenali’s empathy for the marginalized set him apart.