Tenali Rama the Sony SAB television show produced by Contiloe Pictures has seen engaging drama with Tenali Rama (Krishna Bharadwaj) entering the Vijayanagar kingdom and keeping himself away from the eyes of King Krishnadevaraya. However, Timmarasu saw Tenali and promised to keep the development a secret. However, Timmarasu was scared when Tenali Rama entered the house of Tathacharya (Pankaj Berry) with Tathacharya assuming that Tenali Rama’s ghost was in the house.

The upcoming episode will see a huge drama when Krishnadevaraya (Aditya Redij) will take note of Tathacharya’s fear and will wonder whether Tenali Rama is alive. He will make a plan and will ask Tathacharya to handle the old woman’s case, failing which he will be expelled from the place. Tathacharya will be worried and will want to take the help of Tenali’s ghost. However, he will be very scared to face Tenali.

Dhani and Mani will advise Tathacharya to talk to Tenali about the case. However, Tathacharya will fear to enter his own house. Finally, when Tathacharya will talk to Tenali and seek help, Tenali will agree to help him. All of this will make Krishnadevaraya’s suspicions stronger and he will believe that Rama is alive.

What will happen next?

Krishna Bharadwaj reprises his role as Tenali Rama while Pankaj Berry brings alive the character of Tathacharya once again. The show also features new artists including Aditya Redij as King Krishnadevaraya and Sumit Kaul as the antagonist Girgit Raj. Produced by Contiloe Pictures, Sony SAB’s Tenali Rama will traverse the journey of the nobleman who navigated complex situations with his heart. His ability to relate to everyone, from royalty to commoners, made him a hero for all. Beyond his wit, Tenali’s empathy for the marginalized set him apart.