Tenali Rama the Sony SAB television show produced by Contiloe Pictures has seen engaging drama with Tenali (Krishna Bharadwaj) being driven by the urge to save the Vijayanagar empire and King Krishnadevaraya from the danger that is going to fall upon the kingdom. Tenali was told by Kaali Mata, to get back and save the kingdom. Tenali reached Krishnadevaraya but stayed away from the eyesight of the King and other people. However, Timmarasu (Amit Pachori) saw Tenali and gave him a chance to redeem himself. Amidst all this, we saw Tathacharya getting scared of an impending danger to him, which was the return of Tenali to the kingdom.
The upcoming episode will see Tenali plan to enter Tathacharya’s (Pankaj Berry) house. In the house though, Tathacharya’s associates will see Tenali’s glimpse and soon the terrorizing track will kickstart where Tathacharya will assume that the ghost of Tenali Rama is in his house to trouble him. Tathacharya will inform the King too (Aditya Redij) about Tenali’s ghost being in his house. It will be interesting to see if the King will realize the truth of Tenali being alive and being back in his kingdom.
What will happen next?
Krishna Bharadwaj reprises his role as Tenali Rama while Pankaj Berry brings alive the character of Tathacharya once again. The show also features new artists including Aditya Redij as King Krishnadevaraya and Sumit Kaul as the antagonist Girgit Raj. Produced by Contiloe Pictures, Sony SAB’s Tenali Rama will traverse the journey of the nobleman who navigated complex situations with his heart. His ability to relate to everyone, from royalty to commoners, made him a hero for all. Beyond his wit, Tenali’s empathy for the marginalized set him apart.