Teri Meri Doriyaann the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen engaging drama with Angad (Vijayendra Kumeria) and Sahiba (Himanshi Parashar) having a terrible misunderstanding that has gone too far. Now we saw how Manbeer and Seerat forced Sahiba to sign the divorce papers. However, before Sahiba can sign the divorce papers, enlightenment will strike Angad and he will understand who is responsible for all the problems.

As we know, Seerat (Roopam Sharma) was the one with whom Angad confided his love story. However, Angad believed that he was talking to Sahiba. Sahiba on the other hand, saw the whole confession and believed that Angad was in love with Seerat. In all this, Seerat knew what the matter was, but allowed Sahiba and Angad’s relationship to get tarnished, without trying to unite them.

Now the coming episode will open curtains on Seerat’s cunning act. Sahiba will be equally shocked when Angad will tell her and the entire family that Seerat is the reason for all the confusion. Sahiba will then realize that Seerat had bad intentions. Angad will also accuse Seerat of utilizing his goodness and friendship in a wrong way.

Both Angad and Sahiba will question Seerat as to how she can ruin their relationship so badly and be silent.

Teri Meri Doriyaann Ep 305 5th November Written Episode Update

Manbeer and Seerat forced Sahiba to sign the divorce papers and made her believe that Angad did not love her.

What will happen next?

Teri Meri Doriyaann produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has Vijayendra Kumeria and Himanshi Parashar playing the leads. It is yet another Hindi show that is inspired by a popular and successful regional show. Teri Meri Doriyaann is the Hindi version of the popular Star Jalsha show Gaatchora.