Teri Meri Doriyaann the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen engaging drama with Sahiba (Himanshi Parashar) being pained on knowing how much she has humiliated Angad and his love for her. Sahiba wants to make amends. As we know, Angad (Vijayendra Kumeria) exposed Seerat (Roopam Sharma) in front of all and told the family and Sahiba about Seerat being responsible for their big misunderstanding.

Sahiba tried apologizing to Angad. However, he did not accept her apology. Now, the coming drama will see Sahiba going out of the way to get back Angad’s love and trust. She will meet Keerat and will tell her that she has offended Angad so much that she does not see a way of return. However, Keerat will motivate her to try her best. Keerat will also ask Sahiba whether she loves Angad. Sahiba will acknowledge and will accept that she is in love with Angad.

Sahiba will shop for Angad and will buy a watch. She will engrave her thoughts on it too. She will plan to surprise Angad and express her love.

Teri Meri Doriyaann Ep 308 8th November Written Episode Update

Sahiba tried to apologize to Angad for her follies. However, Angad refused to accept her apology.

What will happen next?

Teri Meri Doriyaann produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has Vijayendra Kumeria and Himanshi Parashar playing the leads. It is yet another Hindi show that is inspired by a popular and successful regional show. Teri Meri Doriyaann is the Hindi version of the popular Star Jalsha show Gaatchora.