Teri Meri Doriyaann the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen engaging drama with Sahiba (Himanshi Parashar) finding Garry with the girl who pretended to be Sahiba and lodged a complaint. As we know, Sahiba has found the unusual tattoo on the girl’s hand in the video and has been looking for her. Sahiba almost comes face to face with the girl at the house when she would have come to meet Garry. The girl has been blackmailing Garry, demanding him to pay up big money.
The coming episode will introduce a new track of intrigue that will revolve around an orphan girl by name Simran. Simran will be living in an orphanage. However, she will not be seen in the vehicle that will carry all the kids living in the orphanage. Simran will be on the road, when Sahiba’s encounter will happen with her for the first time.
Sahiba will find a connect with the girl immediately. The new promo that has hit on TV screens suggests that the girl Simran is born to someone in the Rana family.
How will Sahiba’s connect with Simran develop? How will the truth be known?
Teri Meri Doriyaann produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has Vijayendra Kumeria and Himanshi Parashar playing the leads. It is yet another Hindi show that is inspired by a popular and successful regional show. Teri Meri Doriyaann is the Hindi version of the popular Star Jalsha show Gaatchora.