Teri Meri Doriyaann the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen engaging drama with Sahiba (Himanshi Parashar) and Angad (Vijayendra Kumeria) trying to get away from the clutches of Seerat (Roopam Sharma). We saw how Sahiba entered the house and met Angad. But with both of them being tied up and the medical procedure about to happen on Angad, Sahiba wondered what she could do to help Angad.
The coming episode will not only see Sahiba and Angad finding a way to get out of the house but will also injure Seerat. However, Seerat will be back on her legs soon and will attack both Sahiba and Angad who will try to run away by getting into the truck.
Seerat will try her best to stop them, but Angad’s family will come to the rescue at the right time. They will try to nab Seerat while a few of them will take care of Angad who is deeply injured in his leg. Seerat will manage to flee away, only to get caught in a blast that will presumably be her end.
Angad and Sahiba will be hospitalized post which Angad will go through surgery on his legs. Sahiba will be informed by the doctor that she is pregnant. Sahiba will be very happy and will run to Angad’s room to convey the news to him.
Teri Meri Doriyaann Ep 439 13th March Written Episode Update
Seerat caught hold of Sahiba too and tied her up. She prepared Angad for the surgery.
What will happen next?
Teri Meri Doriyaann produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has Vijayendra Kumeria and Himanshi Parashar playing the leads. It is yet another Hindi show that is inspired by a popular and successful regional show. Teri Meri Doriyaann is the Hindi version of the popular Star Jalsha show Gaatchora.