Teri Meri Doriyaann the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen engaging drama with Sahiba (Himanshi Parashar) being kept captive by Rumi (Harsh Rajput) at a deserted place. As we know, he has created a big drama and given the appearance that Sahiba is dead. He even got Angad (Vijayendra Kumeria) arrested for Sahiba’s murder. And on the other side, Rumi has forced Sahiba to be with him at the deserted place.
As we know, Angad was arrested for Sahiba’s murder. However, Angad suspected the hand of Rumi in the whole mess and vowed to search for Sahiba. He escaped police custody, and was struggling to stay away from the police’s eyes.
The coming episode will reveal big intentions of Rumi. Rumi will introduce Sahiba to his mother. This will be when Sahiba will realize that Rumi needs medical help as he has attained a big shock over the passing away of his mother. Rumi will also disclose his idea of marrying Sahiba.
This will shock Sahiba and she will try to save herself. The upcoming track will be the marriage track which Rumi will plan for himself and Sahiba.
Teri Meri Doriyaann Ep 286 17th October Written Episode Update
Angad escaped from police custody by harming himself. When they came over to help him, he escaped from them. Rumi on the other hand, told Sahiba how he managed to kidnap her.
Will Angad be able to save Sahiba from Rumi?
Teri Meri Doriyaann produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has Vijayendra Kumeria and Himanshi Parashar playing the leads. It is yet another Hindi show that is inspired by a popular and successful regional show. Teri Meri Doriyaann is the Hindi version of the popular Star Jalsha show Gaatchora.