Tose Nainaa Milaai Ke Spoiler Ep 67: Kishanlal’s Witty Demand To Return The Land To Kuhu And Rajiv

In the latest episode number 67 of the show Tose Nainaa Milaai Ke, Kishanlal puts up a witty demand to return the land to Kuhu and Rajiv. Check it out below in the article

Tose Nainaa Milai Spoiler Ep 67: Kishanlal's Witty Demand To Return The Land To Kuhu And Rajiv 869534

Dangal TV’s famous show Tose Nainaa Milaai Ke is entertaining the audience with an interesting plot and intriguing drama. And now, the audience will again witness the full drama as the viewers will see that Kishanlal visits Kuhu’s house with his goons and lawyer. He shows her the notice from the court that says they have to vacate the house.

Soon, Kishanlal’s goons throw all the things out of the house and remove all the family members from the house. Later, Kishanlal tells Kuhu that her land and home will be auctioned tomorrow. He also says this auction will be free, but there is a big beg behind it.

He puts up a witty condition that whichever family of Munia Tola village cultivates the 2 bighas of Kuhu’s land first and foremost, the land and house will be named to them. Also says that no member from Kuhu’s village will participate in this competition. Later, Rajiv goes to Kishanlal and says he will clear all the depths, but he refuses to take the money. And so now Rajiv decides to participate in the competition. However, Kishanlal puts a witty demand in front of Rajiv that before he participates in the competition, Kuhu’s father has to accept in front of everyone that Ragiv will be his son-in-law.

Kishanlal is doing all this by the order of Rajiv’s father. On the other hand, Rajiv’s father feels good that his plan worked. But Rajiv is firm in winning the competition, so he asks Kuhu to convince her father. Only then can he bring back the house and land. However, Kuhu refrains from doing so.

So, what do you think will happen next? Let us know in the comments.

About The Author
Aarti Tiwari: Aarti Jaikar Tiwari is a passionate writer. She is quite fond of writing and exploring new depth with the strength of tip of her pen. A lover of masala entertainment content and talent brought her in this field.