Udaariyaan the Colors show produced by Dreamiyata Entertainment has seen Tejo (Priyanka Choudhary) bonding with Fateh (Ankit Gupta) during their night out. We saw them dancing and having the best of enjoyment possible. Jasmine (Isha Malviya) who hears the news of them spending quality time together, has gone crazy and has vowed to get back Fateh into her life.

Meanwhile, in the coming episode, Fateh and Tejo will get stuck in rain while returning, and their car too gets non-functional. Fateh and Tejo will have their close private moments in the rain as Fateh will soil his shirt and will remain bare-chested all through their journey.

Will the rainy night bring a twist in Fateh and Tejo’s life? Will they unite?

However, Jasmine who will be aware of them being together, will want to find them soon. She will take the help of Amreek and will crazily search for Fateh and Tejo.

Will Jasmine’s hunt prove futile? Will it be too late for Jasmine now?