Udne Ki Aasha the Star Plus show produced by Rolling Tales Productions and Rahul Tewary Productions has seen engaging drama with Paresh (Sanjay Narvekar) getting retired after serving as the loco pilot for 40 years. It is a proud moment for him to have ended his long career on a good note, and hold the record of not having any casualties during his work.
The coming episode will focus on the retirement event hosted for Paresh. The function will be graced by Paresh’s family which will include his wife Renu and three sons, Tejas, Sachin and Akash. Good words will be said about Paresh by one and all during the function. However, the senior officer who would have started his journey along with Paresh, will mock at how Paresh was satisfied driving the engine, while he spread his wings further to become an officer.
Even the boss’ wife will humiliate Paresh and Renu. This will not go down well with Sachin (Kanwar Dhillon) and he will snap back at them. He will be about to hit the boss and the wife will threaten to call the police. However, Paresh will beg them to not call the police.
Udne Ki Aasha Ep 4 15th March Written Episode Update
Paresh saw Sailee on the road and was impressed with her approach to life. He wished he could get a similar girl for Sachin.
What will happen next?
Set in a Marathi backdrop, Star Plus shows Udne Ki Aasha to depict a wife’s roadblock in the form of a non-cooperative husband, and her challenge to make him transform for the sake of her and the family’s progress. Kanwar Dhillon essays the character of Sachin, who is a taxi driver and earns his livelihood with it, while Neha Harsora portrays the role of Sailee, a florist who dabbles in various small businesses and makes a living out of her other chores, in the show Udne Ki Aasha.