Udne Ki Aasha the Star Plus television show produced by Rahul Tewary and Rolling Tales Production has seen engaging drama with Sailee (Neha Harsora) being happy with her flower shop and balancing her work and housework accordingly. However, Renuka was not pleased with Sailee being away from her housework. She argued about her work and being away from work at home. Renuka also mocked Sailee for not wearing her mangalsutra and getting questioned by all. However, Sailee expressed confidence in her husband Sachin (Kanwar Dhillon) buying it for her soon.

The upcoming episode will see Sachin promising that he will soon earn the money needed to buy a mangalsutra. Sachin will take up longer drives and will work overtime to meet Sailee’s promise and get her a mangalsutra soon.

Amidst this, Sailee will get teased and stalked by Chandu which will hinder her peace. She will also be irked by Sachin’s late-night driving and will be unhappy about not spending time with him. Also, Chandu’s constant harassment will put Sailee in a spot of bother.

What will happen now?

Set in a Marathi backdrop, Star Plus shows Udne Ki Aasha to depict a wife’s roadblock in the form of a non-cooperative husband, and her challenge to make him transform for the sake of her and the family’s progress. Kanwar Dhillon essays the character of Sachin, who is a taxi driver and earns his livelihood with it. At the same time, Neha Harsora portrays the role of Sailee, a florist who dabbles in various small businesses and makes a living out of her other chores, in the show Udne Ki Aasha.