Udne Ki Aasha the Star Plus television show produced by Rahul Tewary and Rolling Tales Production has seen engaging drama with Sachin (Kanwar Dhillon) getting into a messy fight with Dilip who is the brother of Sailee (Neha Harsora). As we know, Sachin went to the photo studio to get their family picture portrait so that they could put it in the living room of their house. Sachin saw the horrifying video captured in the CCTV camera of the shop wherein two guys in a bike snatched money from Renuka. Sachin later recognized one of the guys to be Dilip and was shocked. Later, Sachin fought with Chithi and his gang when they were beating his friend. Dilip who was one among them, held Sachin’s collar and this made Sachin go wild. He turned and twisted Dilip’s arm so much that he had a fracture in his hand.

The upcoming episode will see Sachin fretting over Sailee’s reaction when she will know the truth. So he will decide to hide the truth from her. Sailee will call Sachin constantly to inform him about Dilip’s condition. However, Sachin will talk rudely with Sailee and will not even go to the hospital to meet Dilip. Sailee will tell Sachin to come to the hospital, and for the first time, Sachin will rudely deny going to the hospital.

What will happen when the truth will be out? How will Sachin react? Will Sailee know the whole truth?

Set in a Marathi backdrop, Star Plus shows Udne Ki Aasha to depict a wife’s roadblock in the form of a non-cooperative husband, and her challenge to make him transform for the sake of her and the family’s progress. Kanwar Dhillon essays the character of Sachin, who is a taxi driver and earns his livelihood with it. At the same time, Neha Harsora portrays the role of Sailee, a florist who dabbles in various small businesses and makes a living out of her other chores, in the show Udne Ki Aasha.