Udne Ki Aasha the Star Plus television show produced by Rahul Tewary and Rolling Tales Production has seen engaging drama with Sachin (Kanwar Dhillon) and Sailee (Neha Harsora) having huge differences owing to Sachin hiding the real truth of Dilip from Sailee. Sailee and her mother felt that Sachin has again gone beserk in his way of living and disrespects people. During the death anniversary of Sailee’s father, Shobha badmouthed Sachin and Sachin had yet another fight with Dilip.

Amidst all this, Tejas will start finding a job after losing his present job. The upcoming episode will see happiness finally coming into Tejas’ life when he will come home and tell his mother that he has got a job in a Multinational Firm in Canada and will have to leave soon. This will bring tears in the eyes of Renuka and Tejas. Both mother and son will weep thinking of the prospect of staying away from each other. However, when Sachin, Paresh and others will ask Tejas, he will tell the family that he will get a job in Canada if he gives 14 lakhs to the agency. Hearing this, Sachin and Paresh will burst out laughing. Sachin will mock Tejas’ attitude and will tell his father that it is like celebrating a kid’s birth even before it is born. Sailee will also join them in their laughter. Sachin will ask Tejas the valid question of how he will get the money needed.

What will happen next?

Set in a Marathi backdrop, Star Plus shows Udne Ki Aasha to depict a wife’s roadblock in the form of a non-cooperative husband, and her challenge to make him transform for the sake of her and the family’s progress. Kanwar Dhillon essays the character of Sachin, who is a taxi driver and earns his livelihood with it. At the same time, Neha Harsora portrays the role of Sailee, a florist who dabbles in various small businesses and makes a living out of her other chores, in the show Udne Ki Aasha.