Sony Sab’s popular show Vanshaj, produced by Swastik, is heading towards the finale. However, the new episode has major twists and turns, featuring nail-biting dramas featuring Anjali Tatrari, Shaleen Malhotra, and Mahir Pandhi in the lead roles. Yash and Yuvika discover the truth about Neel’s death, leading to an intense moment.

In the upcoming episode, DJ leaves, warning Yash to stay in line and not tell Yuvika anything about Neel’s heart being given to him, leaving him confused and cornered. Yash’s suspicious presence raises eyebrows among Yuvika. Yash confronts DJ, who blackmails him, threatening both the Mahajan family and Yash’s loved ones. Meanwhile, Yuvika strikes a dangerous deal with Mudliar, offering him a hefty sum of money in exchange for the name behind the illegal organ trade.

Akshat overhears Amarjeet revealing disturbing truths about Neel, leaving him torn. As Yuvika heads to meet Mudliar, armed and determined, Yash follows, grappling with DJ’s chilling order to kill her. A tense climax as Yuvika prepares for a confrontation with Mudliar, only to turn around and face Yash, pointing a gun at her. Yuvika expresses her expectations of Yash, and they both point guns at each other. Yash apologizes, but he has no choice.

Will Dj succeed in his plan, or will a twist unfold?