Sony Sab’s popular show Vanshaj, produced by Swastik Productions, the audience has seen engaging drama revolving around Yuvika (Anjali Tatrari) and Yash (Shaleen Malhotra) finding the truth about Neel’s (Mohit Kumar) death. The upcoming episode is filled with emotional ups and downs with major twists.

In the upcoming episode, Bhanu is in disbelief after discovering that Neel’s heart is inside Yash. He confronts Amarjeet, who insists he was unaware until it was too late, and pleads for help to protect Yash. Devastated, Bhanu is torn between his anger and the need to protect his family.

Meanwhile, Yuvika reveals the shocking truth to Vidur, who reacts with anger and grief. This leads to an emotional conversation between them, overheard by Bhoomi. Bhoomi, determined to seek justice for Neel, demands Yuvika swear to find those responsible.

As tensions rise, Yash confronts Shalini and Amarjeet, only to be heartbroken and shocked by their involvement in the organ trade as he learns the truth. Yash, while facing emotional turmoil, plans to tell everything to the Mahajan family.

However, DJ intervenes and stops Yash just at the entrance of the Mahajan House, blackmailing Yash with threats to expose his family and ensuring Yash is left in a moral quandary. Yash is in a dilemma, unsure whether to protect his family or reveal the truth to Yuvika.