Sony Sab’s popular show Vanshaj, produced by Swastik Productions, the audience has seen engaging drama revolving around Neel’s death mystery. DJ (Mahir Pandhi) kidnaps Yash (Shaleen Malhotra) and takes him to a place where no one comes. DJ asks his doctor to operate Yash, and he finds that Yash’s heart is transplanted. DJ orders his doctor to take Yash’s blood sample and find out if his friend’s heart is in Yash’s heart. Yuvika (Anjali Tatri) also comes to the same place and looks clueless, wondering what the goons must be doing with Yash.

In the upcoming episode, DJ gets Yash’s blood tested, and at night, he gets the reports. With Yash and Neel’s blood groups matching, DJ confirms his doubts and discovers that Neel’s heart is in Yash’s body. He looks suspicious after finding this big truth.

On the other hand, Yuvika asks his manager whether he got the pen drive repaired, which she got from Fehmaan. Yuvika takes the repaired pen drive and decides to check it. Yuvika opens the pen drive and is shocked to see Neel’s post-mortem report, which says that when Neel’s body was found, his heart was missing, leaving Yuvika in deep shock.

Vanshaj is a popular show on Sony Sab featuring Anjali Tatrari, Shaleen Malhotra, and Mahir Pandhi in the lead roles.