Sony Sab’s popular show Vanshaj, produced by Swastik Productions, the audience sees nail-biting twists and turns in the lives of Yuvika (Anjali Tatrari), Yash (Shaleen Malhotra) and DJ (Mahir Pandhi). Yash finds out about DJ’s ploy against Sia and comes to the Mahajan group office to confront the act.

In the upcoming episode, Yash confronts Yuvika and DJ at the Mahajan office, accusing them of targeting Sia. The heated exchange escalates into a declaration of war, with both sides pledging to destroy each other. In a lighter moment, Isha hints to Bhoomi that someone special might be entering her life but keeps the details secret.

The dispute intensifies as Yuvika and DJ strategize their next move, determined to keep the fight professional. Yash, consumed by anger after recalling the confrontation between Yuvika and DJ, reaches out to Amar, who assures his support, signaling an open declaration of war against the Mahajans. Later, Amar’s encounter with Bhanu in a hotel lobby further fuels the animosity, with both men planning to settle scores.

As Yuvika and DJ strategize to outsmart the Talwars, Shalini, sensing Yash’s vulnerability, pushes him towards revenge, manipulating him and targeting Isha as a bate for hurting Sia. Yash targets Isha, driven by Shalini’s provocation, and instructs Akshat to retaliate against Isha, leaving Akshat stunned by the plan.