Sony Sab’s popular show Vanshaj, produced by Swastik Productions, the audience has seen engaging drama revolving around Neel’s (Mohit Kumar) death. Fehmaan calls Yuvika (Anjali Tatrari) and asks her to meet. Yuvika and Fehmaan meet at an unknown place where some soon attack Fehmaan. Yuvika, noticing this, threatens the goons to call the police. The goons try to trap Yuvika, but she is saved. On the other hand, Yash (Shaleen Malhotra) finds out about Yuvika and Neel’s love story.

In the upcoming episode, Yuvika meets with a nurse in the hospital the next morning. She shares her about the attack on Fehmaan and also questions what he wants to tell her. The nurse shares with Yuvika that there are a few things related to Neel’s death that he wants to tell. However, she has no idea about it, but the nurse reveals that Fehmaan has transferred all the information to the pen drive, and she can find it there. Yuvika finds something fishy, so she takes the pen drive to check.

On the other hand, DJ conspires against Yash. He asks his hired man to inject Yash with the drugs he has given, which will make him unconscious. As Yash comes out of a place, DJ executes his plan.

Vanshaj is a Sony Sab’s popular show featuring Anjali Tatrari, Shaleen Malhotra, and Mahir Pandhi in the lead roles