In the popular show Vanshaj of Sony Sab, produced by Siddharth Kumar Tewary, Rahul Kumar Tewary, and Gayatri Gill Tewary, the audience has seen engaging drama with Yash (Shaleen Malhotra) regaining consciousness. On the other hand, Neel’s (Mohit Kumar) health deteriorates, and he experiences pain in his chest. Yuvika (Anjali Tatrari) takes Neel to the hospital.

In the upcoming episode, Yuvika vows she will always stay by Neel’s side and love him in every situation. Neel gets close to Yuvika, expressing his romantic feelings and wishing to stay with her forever. On the other hand, Bhanu encourages his team to do their best despite the rushed wedding schedule. Meanwhile, Amarjeet finalizes the deal with Mudaliar, determined to get the heart at any cost. The heart donor is Neel, who is unaware of the plan.

The situation turns tense as Amarjeet encounters Bhanu, leading to a heated argument about their respective family members. Soon, Amarjeet informs Shalini about the deal to save Yash. Yuvika, dressed as a bride, receives a black necklace from Gargi, who internally curses her but trusts DJ’s (Mahir Pandhi) promise that the wedding won’t happen.

Later, Yash prepares for his heart transplant. However, he gets emotional with his family members, expressing his fears. As the day progresses, Neel sets out to fetch a gift for Yuvika, followed by Mudaliar’s cronies. High-stakes build up as Neel, Yuvika, and Yash’s paths converge.