Vasudha the Zee TV television show produced by Arvind Babbal Productions has seen engaging drama with Chandrika Singh Chauhan (Nausheen Ali Sardar) and Prabhat Singh Chauhan’s (Sachin Parikh) 25th wedding anniversary being celebrated at the Chauhan Mansion. As we know, Chandrika has a lot of respect and love for her husband. We saw her gifting him with a diamond-studded pen made of gold. Prabhat was equally happy about the event and looked forward to proclaiming his love for his wife in a big way.

The upcoming episode will see big arrangements being made for the party. Chandrika and Prabhat will express their love for each other. Chandrika will talk about how her husband has been her pillar of support. Prabhat will be seen talking about his illness and how Chandrika not only took care of him but also revived their company to such great heights. Prabhat will exhibit a new level of love for his wife when he will display his art in the form of a portrait of Chandrika. The picture will be beautiful and Chandrika will be thrilled to have it as a gift. However, her happiness will be dampened when Vasudha’s (Priya Thakur) saviour act will eventually destroy the painting. Chandrika’s dupatta will be about to catch fire and Vasudha who will be witnessing the party from a distance, will see it. She will run in to save Chandrika. However, when she will push Chandrika aside, the painting will fall along with the candles and the painting will be totally destroyed. Seeing this, Devansh (Abhishek Sharma) will slap Vasudha. Chandrika who will be moved to tears, will order Hanumant to leave the house with his family.

What will happen next?

Vasudha is a compelling story that delves into the fascinating dynamics between two women from entirely different worlds – whose paths cross, leading to a clash of ideologies, temperaments and socioeconomic backgrounds, promising a narrative unlike any other on Indian television. Chandrika Singh Chauhan’s character is played by Nausheen Ali Sardar while Priya Thakur is seen in the titular role of Vasudha. Abhishek Sharma plays the lead Devansh Singh Chauhan. The show is produced by Arvind Babbal Productions.