Vasudha the Zee TV television show produced by Arvind Babbal Productions has seen engaging drama with Vasudha (Priya Thakur) being called back to the house along with her father Hanumant Singh. Chandrika Singh Chauhan (Nausheen Ali Sardar) gave Hanumant Singh his job back stating that she was indebted to him for saving Devansh’s life when he was about to be born. However, Chandrika put a condition that his daughter should not wander anywhere around the mansion.

However, we saw Vasudha come into the mansion when her brother was hurt. She saw Savitri being in a spot of bother when she was not well and had to cook for the guests who had come. Vasudha volunteered to cook the meal and asked Savitri not to take tension.

The upcoming episode will see Vasudha diligently cooking for the guests. She will make a sumptuous meal, on time to be served to the guests. However, Sarika will try to ruin the food, but Vasudha’s timely act will save the day for the Chauhans. The guests will like the food cooked, and Chandrika will also be impressed by the food.

Will Chandrika get to know about Vasudha cooking it?

Vasudha is a compelling story that delves into the fascinating dynamics between two women from entirely different worlds – whose paths cross, leading to a clash of ideologies, temperaments and socioeconomic backgrounds, promising a narrative unlike any other on Indian television. Chandrika Singh Chauhan’s character is played by Nausheen Ali Sardar while Priya Thakur is seen in the titular role of Vasudha. Abhishek Sharma plays the lead Devansh Singh Chauhan. The show is produced by Arvind Babbal Productions.