Wagle Ki Duniya: Nayi Peedhi Naye Kissey is a family show that reflects the life of an ordinary man. The show has gained popularity across the country for its portrayal of the common man’s everyday life struggles albeit through unique solutions and a positive lens. This time the family’s long-lost relationship with Manoj Wagle, played by popular Vipul Deshpande is in the spotlight.

The Wagle family have always been adored by their family and friends for their loving nature, understanding behaviour and different perspective towards life. In the coming episodes of Wagle Ki Duniya, will reveal a past relationship of the family that was never talked about. Manoj Wagle who is the older son of Srinivas Wagle (played by veteran actor Aanjjan Srivastav) and elder brother to Rajesh Wagle (played by Sumeet Raghavan) will be seen returning home after 25 years. By nature, Manoj is an extremist. He is completely opposite of his younger brother Rajesh Wagle. Rajesh is Calm, patient and a responsible family man whereas Manoj is a man who is hard to handle. He is impatient and aggressive, while also being blunt and direct. Manoj sees life from a different point of view unlike the Wagle family. It will be interesting to see what intentions he has as he returns to the Wagle family.

What stories will Manoj Wagle unfold in Wagle family?

Vipul Deshpande, who will be seen as Manoj Wagle shared, “I’ve been watching the show for a long time, and to be honest, Wagle Ki Duniya is a very different concept from other shows we watch on television. I am very excited to be a part of this show, as my character will bring many twists and turns in the lives of Wagle family. When I received the brief of Manoj Wagle’s character, I was thrilled by the thought of portraying this challenging role. Manoj Wagle is very different from the entire family. He can be described as the black sheep of the family. His character is very intriguing, and I consider myself fortunate to play such a role. His personality is multi layered as he has many shades to him, which intrigued me towards the role. I feel like he and 1 are similar in real-life., street smart and ‘jugaadu’. It will be interesting to see whether Manoj will change as a person as he returns to his family or not.”