Sony SAB’s television show Wagle Ki Duniya – Nayi Peedhi Naye Kissey produced by JD Majethia’s Hats Off Productions continues to enthrall viewers of all ages with its inspiring content and thought-provoking narratives. We have seen tension brewing over the kidnap of Jhanak, who is Anmol Bindra’s daughter. Sakhi (Chinmayee Salvi) and Harshad got to know about Jhanak being missing. Sakhi tried to make efforts to find out who the man was, along with Jhanak before she went missing.
The upcoming episode will see tension escalating as the Bindra family will be worried for their daughter. They will also arrange the money needed to bring her out. In the meantime, Sakhi will get important proof related to the kidnapping. She will notice a few rings on the hand of the guy with Jhanak in the picture. She will be shocked to realize that Anmol has worn the same rings. Sakhi and Harshad will realize that Anmol has kidnapped his own daughter to get money. They will inform the police and get Anmol arrested.
What will happen next?
Sony SAB’s ‘Wagle Ki Duniya – Nayi Peedhi Naye Kissey’ narrates the engaging story of the Wagle family, echoing the daily struggles of the common man. The cast of the show includes notable actors Rajesh Wagle (Sumeet Raghavan), his wife Vandana (Pariva Pranati), and their kids Sakhi (Chinamayee Salvi) and Atharva (Sheehan Kapahi), as well as the senior Wagles, Srinivas Wagle (Aanjjan Srivastav) and Radhika Wagle (Bharti Achrekar). The unity they display in the face of adversity, and their amusing problem-solving tactics always bring a smile to the viewer’s faces.