Wagle Ki Duniya the Sony SAB television show produced by Hats Off Productions has seen engaging drama with Sakhi finding the culprit behind the kidnapping of Jhanak. It was a long and absorbed case wherein it was found out eventually, that Jhanak’s father Anmol was the one who had kidnapped her. Sakhi got justice and this was an engaging track to watch.
The upcoming episode will see Vandana (Pariva Pranati) being sad for a reason. She will sit idle and will not talk to anyone. Her mood will worry Rajesh (Sumeet Raghavan) and he will ask her about what was troubling her. Vandana’s breakdown in front of Rajesh will be painful to watch. She will tell her husband that she felt like a failure as she was not doing anything. Rajesh will think hard and will offer a solution to the problem. Rajesh will propose that they start a business after he leaves his job. Rajesh’s decision to leave his job will shock Vandana and she will discourage her husband from taking this step.
What will happen next?
Sony SAB’s ‘Wagle Ki Duniya – Nayi Peedhi Naye Kissey’ narrates the engaging story of the Wagle family, echoing the daily struggles of the common man. The cast of the show includes notable actors Rajesh Wagle (Sumeet Raghavan), his wife Vandana (Pariva Pranati), and their kids Sakhi (Chinamayee Salvi) and Atharva (Sheehan Kapahi), as well as the senior Wagles, Srinivas Wagle (Aanjjan Srivastav) and Radhika Wagle (Bharti Achrekar). The unity they display in the face of adversity, and their amusing problem-solving tactics always bring a smile to the viewer’s faces.