Yeh Hai Chahatein the Star Plus show produced by Balaji Telefilms has seen the engrossing drama of Preesha (Sargun Kaur Luthra) being arrested for the charge of her brother Venky’s murder. While Rudraksh is hellbent on getting her a jail sentence for this crime, Vaijayanti will get the case opened from the side of Preesha and will fight to get her justice.

The coming episode will see court room drama wherein Rudraksh will want to see Preesha getting charged for the murder, while Saransh will want his mother to get free.

In the process, Rudraksh and others in the court will get a shock when it will be shown as per evidence that the bullet that hit Venky was not fired from Preesha’s gun.

This will bring the whole truth out when Preesha will confide in Vaijayanti that Rudraksh shot at Venky and she took the blame on herself.

But Rudraksh will not be ready to believe this, and will think that this is yet another fake story being let out by Preesha.

Will Rudraksh get to understand the true side of things?