Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai the Star Plus show produced by Rajan Shahi’s Director’s Kut has seen engaging drama with Abhimanyu (Harshad Chopda) and Akshara (Pranali Rathod) facing a few family issues after their marriage. With all getting better in their relationship, there is a happy phase in their life. However, this is hindered by Aarohi (Karishma Sawant) who has made a blunder as a doctor. The result of it is that she has been suspended by Abhimanyu from working at Birla Hospital. As always, Aarohi has held Akshara responsible for her failure as a doctor. She is angry at Akshara and does not want Akshara to be happy too.

At this juncture, we know that Abhimanyu has had a problem with his hand, after the fire accident. He has not been able to grip things properly and fears the worst. He had his MRI test done, which shows a shocking result.

The coming episode will depict Abhimanyu’s pain and frustration after getting to know of the severe damage to his hand. The report will state a nerve damage and Abhimanyu will be shocked. Dr Anand will promise to get him treated by the best neurologist. But Abhimanyu will decide to hide the news from Akshara.

Being a surgeon, Abhimanyu will realize how important his hand is to him. He will weep in solitude and will even try to stitch when alone so that he knows whether he is able to put the operation sutures.

What will happen next?