Star Plus show Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, produced by Director’s Kut, has been topping the charts for many weeks now. The recent drama between Naira (Shivangi Joshi) and Kartik (Mohsin Khan) has kept the viewers glued to the happenings.

We reported about Kartik and Naira fighting Kairav’s custody battle. However, amidst the fight, they will celebrate Navratri. Folks will see Kartik, Naira and Kairav donning traditional outfits.

Now, in the coming episode, Kartik and Naira will play garba and dandiya with each other. The two will come close and will remember the best time spent with each other. They will miss their earlier celebrations too.

We contacted the actors but they remained unavailable for comment.

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