Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai the Star Plus show produced by Rajan Shahi’s Director’s Kut has seen engaging drama with Sirat (Shivangi Joshi) finally being pregnant. The Goenka family celebrates the moment and also takes care of Sirat with all love and affection. As usual, Kartik (Mohsin Khan) will start to exhibit high degree of care towards Sirat, similar to how he was when Naira was pregnant.

Even after all this, there will come a situation wherein Akshara will be about to fall, and Sirat will save her, but will get herself also into trouble. Seeing all this, Suwarna will volunteer to take care of Akshara, while Sirat will take care of Kairav and of her own health. Even when Sirat will protest and tell that Akshara is her responsibility, Kartik will also agree to Suwarna’s offer. Suwarna will tell Sirat that Akshara will remain her responsibility till the time Sirat delivers her baby.

Oh no!!

Will this create a severe dent in little Akshara’s mind? Will Akshara feel deprived of her mother Sirat’s love?

We know as of now that Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai is headed towards its generation leap. It will be interesting if this small development will bring in a bigger repercussion in the child Akshara’s life.