Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai the Star Plus show produced by Rajan Shahi’s Director’s Kut has seen major drama with Sirat (Shivangi Joshi) reprimanding Kairav for telling lies and bunking school. While many in the Goenka household will point to the fact that Sirat can never be like the real mother to Kairav and Akshu, Sirat will see yet another development in her life.

Sirat will be boxing with her coach and receiving training when she will faint all of a sudden. This will open up the pregnancy track of Sirat wherein Sirat will have a big worry, of whether she will be questioned at every walk of life whether she will be partial towards her own kid as a mother.

Sirat will worry about the consequences and will not even tell Kartik the truth. Kartik will, however, wonder why Sirat is behaving weirdly with him.

What will happen next?