The popular Zee Bangla serial MithiJhora revolves around the lives of the Mukherjee family, particularly Raipurna Sen (Aratrika Maity), a character entangled in a complex web of emotions with her boss and love interest, Anirban Sen (Suman Dey). The intricate relationships within the family add a layer of intrigue to the storyline.

The latest episode of Zee Bangla’s MithiJhora has stunned viewers as Anirban’s parents, particularly Sohini Sen, revealed their true colors. With Rai fighting for her life in the hospital, Anirban’s parents made a dramatic appearance, apologizing for their past mistakes. However, their sudden change of heart seemed more like a calculated move to salvage their reputation.

As the episode unfolded, it became clear that Sohini’s primary concern was the family’s dignity and social standing rather than genuine remorse. Her husband, though seemingly regretful, was quickly swayed by Sohini’s pragmatism. The couple’s willingness to spend lavishly on Rai’s treatment was merely a means to absolve themselves of guilt.

However, their attempts were met with resistance from Rai’s family, who saw through their facade. Anirban’s brother, Shaurya, astutely pointed out that their sudden interest in Rai’s well-being was a bid to assert control. Rai’s family refused to be bought, emphasizing that Sohini’s wealth would not dictate their actions.

Meanwhile, Anirban’s inner turmoil continued as he grappled with the consequences of his actions. Shaurya’s words of caution, urging Anirban to understand Rai’s perspective, were brushed aside. Despite Shaurya’s efforts to reassure him, Anirban’s lingering doubts about Rai’s loyalty and trustworthiness were evident.

The episode culminated with Sohini’s explosive outburst, revealing her true priorities: “Our dignity will crumble to dust if people find out our daughter-in-law is in a cheap hospital.” Her husband’s feeble attempts to reason with her fell flat as Sohini’s greed and social anxiety took center stage.

As the plot thickens, viewers wonder if Anirban will finally see through his mother’s manipulations and take a stand for Rai. Will Sohini’s insatiable desire for wealth and status continue to dictate the family’s actions, or will Rai’s resilience and determination change dynamics?