The popular Zee Bangla serial MithiJhora revolves around the lives of the Mukherjee family, particularly Raipurna Sen (Aratrika Maity), a character entangled in a complex web of emotions with her boss and love interest, Anirban Sen (Suman Dey). The intricate relationships within the family add a layer of intrigue to the storyline.

The latest episode of Zee Bangla’s Mithaijhora has left viewers stunned and outraged. Anirban’s shocking betrayal threatens to destroy Rai’s life. In a jaw-dropping sequence, Anirban drinks alcohol and misconstrues Rai’s whereabouts despite her fighting for life in the operation theater.

As Rai struggles between life and death, Anirban’s mother, Sohini, fuels his misconceptions, suggesting that Dr. Srot might be with Rai, plotting to harm the child. Anirban, remarkably, believes this fabrication without questioning Rai’s character or attempting to locate her.

This blatant lack of trust has sparked widespread criticism among fans, who are appalled by Anirban’s sudden transformation. The once-loving and supportive partner has morphed into an unrecognizable, uncaring individual.

Meanwhile, Nandita Devi’s continued misunderstanding of Rai as a mother adds salt to Rai’s wounds. Despite realizing her mistakes, Nandita Devi’s tears remain unattended, further hurting Rai.

Shaurya, however, displays concern for Rai’s well-being, worrying about the prolonged operation. Sarthak comforts the distraught current, highlighting the glaring absence of Anirban’s support.

In another pivotal scene, Srot inquires about Rai’s condition, asking if she is fighting to survive. His uncle’s response reveals that Rai’s body is responding to treatment, but she has lost the will to live.

As MithiJhora unfolds, viewers eagerly await Rai’s fate and Anirban’s redemption. Will the writer revive Anirban’s character, or will Rai find solace elsewhere?