The popular Zee Bangla serial MithiJhora revolves around the lives of the Mukherjee family, particularly Raipurna Sen (Aratrika Maity), a character entangled in a complex web of emotions with her boss and love interest, Anirban Sen (Suman Dey). The intricate relationships within the family add a layer of intrigue to the storyline.

The drama intensifies in Zee Bangla’s popular serial MithiJhora, as Srotoswini, with her unwavering bravery, takes a firm stance against Anirban’s antics. In the latest episode, Rai regains consciousness after surgery, and Srot ensures that Anirban does not disrupt Rai’s recovery.

As Rai awakens, Srotoswini and Mishti rush to his side, relieved to see him showing improvement. Despite his fragile state, Rai inquires about his family’s well-being, demonstrating his unwavering concern for those around him and his remarkable resilience.

Meanwhile, Anirban continues to cause chaos in the hospital, demanding access to Rai’s room. However, Rai explicitly instructs the nurse to deny Anirban entry, leaving him frustrated and suspicious.

Anirban confronts Srotoswini, who stands firm, asserting that Rai’s well-being is paramount. Srotoswini’s stern warning to Anirban is clear: anyone who harms or distresses Rai will face consequences.

In a candid conversation with Mishti, Srotoswini expresses concerns about Anirban’s true intentions. “Anirban’s stubbornness stems from ego, not love,” Srotoswini observes. “This pride will be his downfall.”

Neelu (Nilanjana) arrives, determined to prevent Rai and Anirban’s divorce. However, Srotoswini clarifies that protecting Rai from harm is her top priority.

As tensions escalate, Srotoswini’s resolve to shield Rai from Anirban’s toxic behavior becomes increasingly apparent. Will Anirban’s persistence pay off, or will Srotoswini’s protective instincts prevail?